Women's Wealth Money Mentors offering financial advice for women

We are the UK’s only independent financial adviser dedicated to women

Women’s Wealth is committed to helping women make the right financial choices for their own life journey …so when you look back, you can say I did the right thing for me and my family.

Financial advisors for women

  • As Financial Advisors for women we want to give you the confidence to make those decisions around money that are frankly often too scary to make alone.
  • And we provide you with the knowledge and support to make solid plans for your future.
  • We are passionate about this stuff and so determined to be a benefit to women that we will refund your subscription if we can’t add value in the first year of working with you.
How we do it

Firstly, we treat you as an individual, we get to know you and answer your questions.

We work with you to reach your goals and offer guidance. We are happy to talk about what is important to you.

Then, we show you the options and help you make decisions with confidence. We’re with you every step of the way.

Lastly, we make sure you have thought of everything and that you have the knowledge and advice to get the best results possible.

About Us

Sam Secomb – founder of Women’s Wealth

I have worked for over 30 years in the financial sector. I am highly qualified and experienced in wealth maximisation. Put simply: day in, day out, I get the best out of what people earn, own and hold.

However, I believe that simply ‘understanding’ financial planning is not enough for women and families. Work, time-out for kids, education, leisure, pensions, investments: a whole portfolio needs to be tailored to ensure that each family can get what they want, when they need it.

Samantha Secomb - Founder of Women's Wealth - Independent Financial Advisors for Women

Meet the team of Money Mentors

– Financial advisors for women

Behind the scenes is a fabulous bunch of women from very different backgrounds, but who all share the same passion to support and guide women to take charge of their own financial future.

The benefits:

  • Choose your own Money Mentor
  • A Money Mentor is dedicated to you
  • To coach and guide you
  • To develop your knowledge
  • Be there through life’s ups and downs
Women's Wealth Money Mentors

Who can we help?

Our clients are women who are often aware that they need to make some serious decisions around their finances and are looking for female, qualified independent advice from someone they can trust.

We understand that a woman’s financial journey is not the same as a man’s.

Work, time-out for kids, education, leisure, pensions, the unexpected are all things we take into account when creating a financial plan with you.

Most of the women we speak to – the last thing on their mind is about getting rich, it’s much more about feeling secure, safe, feeling responsible around the decisions that are being made so that you can say to yourself when you look back in 5 years time, I did the right thing, I’m proud of myself, I did the right thing for me and my family.

What our clients say about us…

The idea of us being financially literate in our own right is so important, so finding someone who was happy to talk about things was so important.

Knowing I am making the right decisions that I’m taking and being happy that I’m putting money in the right pot? That for me is my money working for me, that’s a very important part of how we work together.

I really like the subscription model you’ve got and it felt a little bit like establishing a long term friendship where I could ring and say I need help rather than booking an appointment once a year and that’s it.

I would say that one of the best gifts you guys have given to me is the ability to make the decisions that I need to make for myself, for my family and for my health, without panicking about what the financial repercussions might be, so thank you, it’s a great service that you offer and I would recommend you to anyone.

Appointment Form

Take the next step today towards financial peace of mind.